The Atlanta Housewives are Coming...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

When will this ever end?????

"Protests erupted shortly after a young man killed by a subway police
officer was laid to rest in Oakland on Wednesday night, according to local media
and iReporters. The Oakland Police Department made 105 arrests, including a mass arrest of about 80 people at 11 p.m., said Officer Jeff Thomason. The charges include inciting a riot, vandalism, assault on a police officer and unlawful assembly, he said".

This is just a tragedy on so many levels, as we are about to have the first African American President. We still have racist people who look at the African American males as criminals and their lives not worthy. At some point people are going to say enough is enough and there will be pure mayhem. But as longs as the cops keep getting off then you will have these kinds of responses....


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